A.A. Constitution-By-Laws-03-2-24



Article I                       Name and Purpose

Section 1:        The name of this Association shall be “Iota Pi TKE Alumni Association”, hereinafter referred to as “Alumni Association”.

Section 2:        The purpose of this Alumni Association is to promote the principles of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity among TKE alumni members of the Iota Pi chapter, and active members of the collegiate chapter.

Article II                      Corporation

Section 1:   The Alumni Association shall be domiciled in Kent, Ohio, and registered as a not-for-profit corporation in the state of Ohio.

Article III                  Membership

Section 1:   Membership in the Alumni Association shall be available to all alumni of the Iota Pi chapter that are in good standing with the International Fraternity. Honorary members who were initiated into the Iota Pi chapter are also eligible for membership.

Section 2:     Any alumnus initiated into Tau Kappa Epsilon at a chapter other than Iota Pi, may join the Alumni Association upon a majority vote by the board of directors.

Section 3:   The membership roster of the Alumni Association shall be maintained by the Webmaster-Communications Officer for the sole purpose of official communications. Members of the Alumni Association are responsible for updating their information as it changes.

Section 4:       Membership in the Alumni Association is a privilege. Any member of the Alumni Association may be removed pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Black Book.

Article IV                 Dues

Section 1:    The Alumni Association Board shall determine dues, if any, annually. Voluntary contributions are also welcome and encouraged.

Section 2:     All dues payments made to the Alumni Association will be administered by the Alumni Association Treasurer.

Section 3:    The fiscal year for the Alumni Association shall be from January 1st to December 31st.

Article V                 Officers

Section 1:    The Alumni Association Executive Board will consist of the following Officers:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Communications Officer (Webmaster)

Section 2:      Roles of Officers

  • President: The Alumni Association President shall have oversight of all Alumni Association activities. He shall coordinate the meeting agenda and preside over official He will be the Alumni Association’s principal officer and provide leadership in all areas.
  • Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President in his functions and shall serve in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall also assist in the oversight of the activities of all established committees.
  • Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and distribute them afterwards, within 10 days, for approval by the Board. He shall maintain all records and transfer them to any successor and be responsible for all state or regulatory filings including notification of changes to the International Fraternity.
  • Treasurer: The Treasurer shall oversee the accounting and financial records for the Alumni Association including State and IRS filings. He shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the board, maintain records of all donations received and maintain any bank accounts established. He shall be responsible for all receipts and disbursements and update the board with a financial report at least quarterly.
  • Communications Officer (Webmaster): The Communications Officer shall be responsible for all Alumni Association online platforms and technological support of the Alumni Association. The Communications Officer may, at his discretion, enlist other members to assist him with these functions and or in his absence.


Article VI           Board of Directors

Section 1:    Composition

  • The Alumni Association Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members.
  • Five (5) of these positions will be held by the officers comprising the Executive Board.
  • The remaining four (4) positions will be comprised of alumni members at large.

 Section 2:       Authority

  • The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Alumni Association.
  • Directors may be appointed to chair various committees as established by the President. The committee chairman may appoint other members to the committee as he deems appropriate.
  • Any vacancy on the Board of Directors that occurs between elections may be filled by a nomination and majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  • Any Director may be removed for cause pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Black Book.

Article VII              Elections

Section 1:        Frequency

  • Elections to the Board of Directors shall occur every two years and members shall serve for a two-year term.
  • Elections will be held during the last week of February in even numbered years.

 Section 2:        Procedure

  • Nominations:
    1. A call for nominations to the Board of Directors will go out to the Alumni Association Membership via electronic communication. Members may self-nominate.
    2. All nominations shall be sent to a designated email address that is administered by the Alumni Association.
    3. All nominees shall have the opportunity to provide a brief campaign statement at their discretion, 200 words or less, as to their qualifications for the role.
  • Elections:
    1. Prior to the election, the list of nominees and their campaign statements will be sent to the membership for review. This communication will also include the date(s) that ballots may be cast electronically.
    2. Members may cast their votes electronically utilizing a secret ballot method during the scheduled voting period only.
    3. Within 48 hours of the close of voting, the results will be sent out to all members.
    4. The nine (9) nominees that receive the most votes will become the new Board of Directors.
  • Election of Officers:
    1. The nine members composing the new Board of Directors will conduct a meeting and nominations will be taken for the Officer positions within the Board.
    2. The elected board members will then vote to fill the Executive Board positions.
  • Transition:
    1. The outgoing Officers shall, within 30 days, turn over any materials, including administrative rights to technology platforms and/or bank account information, necessary for the business operation of the Alumni Association to the newly elected Officers.
    2. The Secretary-Elect shall notify the International Fraternity within 10 days of the names and contact information for the new Officers.
    3. The terms for the newly elected Board shall commence on April 1st.

Article VIII                  Meetings

Section 1:        Board of Directors

  • The Board of Directors shall meet as determined necessary by the President of the Alumni Association to conduct the business of the Association.
  • The Board shall meet no less than quarterly.
  • A quorum shall consist of a minimum of six Directors.


Section 2:        General Membership

  • General membership meetings will be held at least annually via a video conference.
  • The Board will establish a date and a virtual meeting may be held with no less than 15 days’ notice to the membership.
  • The Board may call additional meetings of the General Membership as deemed necessary with 15 day’s notice.



Article IX                   Electronic Communication and Social Media


Section 1:      Website

  • The Alumni Association shall maintain a website with information for the benefit of the membership. This shall be maintained by the Communications Officer-Webmaster and his designee(s).
  • The platform utilized for this function shall be recommended by the Communication Officer and approved by members of the Board.


Section 2:       Email Communication

  • The Alumni Association will maintain a database of contact information of all members. This database shall be maintained by the Communication Officer and his appointed designee(s).
  • This database shall be updated periodically as updates are made to contact information with the International Fraternity or as members update their information directly with the Alumni Association.
  • Only email messages approved by the Alumni Association President, Vice President, or a majority of the Board may be sent out using the Alumni Association database.
  • A member of the association wishing to send a communication to the other members using the Association database may submit their request to the Communications Officer. This request will be submitted to the Board of Directors and must be approved by a majority vote. Approval may take up to 7 days.
  • The use of information in this database for any communication other than that approved by the Alumni Association is prohibited.


Section 3:       Social Media

  • The Communications Officer and his designee(s) shall oversee all Social Media Accounts operating in the Alumni Association’s name.
  • This committee can determine which social media platforms, if any, on which they will publish information pertaining to the Alumni Association.
  • Any member wishing to make a post to the Alumni Association’s Social Media may submit their post for consideration. Content will be reviewed by the Communications Officer and/or his designee for approval prior to posting. Any content deemed questionable will be referred to the Board for a decision. Approval may take up to 7 days.


Article X                    Amendments and Enforceability

Section 1:      Amendments